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Sanda Bishop

Acrylic Paintings on canvas, Oil Paintings on canvas, Watercolor

Sanda has always loved the Arts and at a very young age began to sketch everything in sight. At the age of five she began to draw birds and landscapes sitting at  the picnic table in her back yard. Her mother was impressed and would buy her supplies for sketching and then it turned into painting. By the time she was in high school she had commissioned many paintings from murals to portraits of animals.


Life took a turn and Sanda studied Elementary Education at Daytona State and became a music instructor, but she continued to create paintings. She has had the privilege to be part of juried student art in many exhibits in New York and then Florida. She has instructed art at Athens State University in the Life Long Learning Programs and owned her own art studio for 10 years instructing art and music in Rogersville. She also was an in house artist and had her own studio space at High Cotton Arts in Athens She has won several contests in the past 3 years and an Honorable mention in the Alabama Spring Painting Contest. She had the privilege to have her own exhibit and reception at the Frame and Art Studio in Athens. She continues to work harder to become a better artist by learning from the best. She believes an artist can always do better and she will continue to do just that.


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